Posts Tagged ‘Invocation’




ਮੇਰੇਸਾਹਾਮੈਹਰਿਦਰਸਨਸੁਖੁਹੋਇਹਮਰੀਬੇਦਨਿਤੂਜਾਨਤਾਸਾਹਾਅਵਰੁਕਿਆਜਾਨੈਕੋਇਰਹਾਉਸਾਚਾਸਾਹਿਬੁਸਚੁਤੂਮੇਰੇਸਾਹਾਤੇਰਾਕੀਆਸਚੁਸਭੁਹੋਇਝੂਠਾਕਿਸਕਉ ਆਖੀਐਸਾਹਾਦੂਜਾਨਾਹੀਕੋਇਸਭਨਾਵਿਚਿਤੂਵਰਤਦਾਸਾਹਾਸਭਿਤੁਝਹਿਧਿਆਵਹਿਦਿਨੁਰਾਤਿਸਭਿਤੁਝਹੀਥਾਵਹੁਮੰਗਦੇਮੇਰੇਸਾਹਾਤੂਸਭਨਾਕਰਹਿਇਕਦਾਤਿਸਭੁਕੋਤੁਝਹੀਵਿਚਿਹੈਮੇਰੇਸਾਹਾਤੁਝਤੇਬਾਹਰਿਕੋਈਨਾਹਿਸਭਿਜੀਅਤੇਰੇਤੂਸਭਸਦਾਮੇਰੇਸਾਹਾਸਭਿਤੁਝਹੀਮਾਹਿਸਮਾਹਿਸਭਨਾਕੀਤੂਆਸਹੈਮੇਰੇਪਿਆਰੇਸਭਿਤੁਝਹਿਧਿਆਵਹਿਮੇਰੇਸਾਹਜਿਉਭਾਵੈਤਿਉਰਖੁਤੂਮੇਰੇਪਿਆਰੇਸਚੁਨਾਨਕਕੇਪਾਤਿਸਾਹ੧੩

My Lord, I feel comforted to have a vision of You. You alone know this longing;no one else can understand it; Pause. You are the True Lord, the everlasting Universal Truth; What You do is flawless. There is none else who can do anything, so how can we find fault with any one? You pervade in all and everyone remembers You day and night. Every one seeks benedictions from You as You alone can provide them. All that exists is under Your control; there is none outside it. All are created by You, You are the Lord of them all and in You they they finally merge . All look at You as the ultimate sanctuary and remember you. Pray enable me to live according to Your will my True Lord.

(Sri Guru Granth Sahib, page 670)

