Posts Tagged ‘SGGS p 216’

SGGS pp 216-218, Gauri M: 5, (164-170).

SGGS pp 216-218, Gauri M: 5, (164-170).


ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥   ਹਰਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਅਵਰ ਕ੍ਰਿਆ ਬਿਰਥੇ ॥   ਜਪ ਤਪ ਸੰਜਮ ਕਰਮ ਕਮਾਣੇ ਇਹਿ ਓਰੈ ਮੂਸੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mālā mėhlā 5   Har bin avar kir▫ā birthe   Jap ṯap sanjam karam kamāṇe ihi orai mūse ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri, Raagini Maala. (Avar) other acts (bin-u) except conformance to (har-i) Divine commands are (kriaa) rituals which are (birthey) of no use in finding the Almighty within.

(Kamaaney) practice of (jap) chanting of mantras, (tap) austerities and (sanjam) control of senses, they (moosey = robbed) are left behind (orai) here in the world, i.e. have no relevance before God. 1.

(Rahaau) pause here and reflect.

(Rahaau) pause here and reflect.


ਬਰਤ ਨੇਮ ਸੰਜਮ ਮਹਿ ਰਹਤਾ ਤਿਨ ਕਾ ਆਢੁ ਨ ਪਾਇਆ ॥   ਆਗੈ ਚਲਣੁ ਅਉਰੁ ਹੈ ਭਾਈ ਊਂਹਾ ਕਾਮਿ ਨ ਆਇਆ ॥੧॥

Baraṯ nem sanjam mėh rahṯā ṯin kā ādẖ na pā▫i▫ā   Āgai cẖalaṇ a▫or hai bẖā▫ī ūʼnhā kām na ā▫i▫ā ||1||


One (rahta) remains engaged (mah-i) in (barat) fasts, (neym) regular rituals and (sanjam) control of senses (paaiaa) receives not even (aaddh-u = half a shell) a bit of credit.

O (bhaaee) dear, something (aur-u) else (challan-u) works (aagai) ahead, i.e. in finding the Almighty within. These rituals do not (kaam-i aaiaa) work (oonhaa) there, i.e. they only please the world. 1.


ਤੀਰਥਿ ਨਾਇ ਅਰੁ ਧਰਨੀ ਭ੍ਰਮਤਾ ਆਗੈ ਠਉਰ ਨ ਪਾਵੈ ॥   ਊਹਾ ਕਾਮਿ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਇਹ ਬਿਧਿ ਓਹੁ ਲੋਗਨ ਹੀ ਪਤੀਆਵੈ ॥੨॥

Ŧirath nā▫e ar ḏẖarnī bẖarmaṯā āgai ṯẖa▫ur na pāvai   Ūhā kām na āvai ih biḏẖ oh logan hī paṯī▫āvai ||2||


One who (naaey/nahaaey) bathes (teerath-i) at holy places (arau-u) and (bhramta) wanders (dharni) the earth/world, does not (pavai) receive (tthaur = place) union with God (aagai) ahead.

(Ih) this (bidh-i) method does not (kaam-i aavai) work (oohaa) there, (oh-u = that) one (hi) only (pateeaavai) impresses (logan) the people – as being dedicated to God. 2.


ਚਤੁਰ ਬੇਦ ਮੁਖ ਬਚਨੀ ਉਚਰੈ ਆਗੈ ਮਹਲੁ ਨ ਪਾਈਐ ॥   ਬੂਝੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਏਕੁ ਸੁਧਾਖਰੁ ਓਹੁ ਸਗਲੀ ਝਾਖ ਝਖਾਈਐ ॥੩॥

Cẖaṯur beḏ mukẖ bacẖnī ucẖrai āgai mahal na pā▫ī▫ai   Būjẖai nāhī ek suḏẖākẖar oh saglī jẖākẖjẖakẖā▫ī▫ai ||3||


One may be able to (uchrai) recite (chatur beyd = four Vedas) scriptures (mukh bachni = words of mouth) from memory, but does not (paaeeai) find (mahal-u = palace) Divine abode (aagai) ahead.

One who does not (boojhai) understand (eyk-u) the one (sudhaakhar = sacred word) Naam/Divine virtues (jhaakh jhakhaaeeai) wanders aimlessly (sagli) all over, i.e. such efforts are fruitless. 3.


ਨਾਨਕੁ ਕਹਤੋ ਇਹੁ ਬੀਚਾਰਾ ਜਿ ਕਮਾਵੈ ਸੁ ਪਾਰ ਗਰਾਮੀ ॥   ਗੁਰੁ ਸੇਵਹੁ ਅਰੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਵਹੁ ਤਿਆਗਹੁ ਮਨਹੁ ਗੁਮਾਨੀ ॥੪॥੬॥੧੬੪॥

Nānak kahṯo ih bīcẖārā jė kamāvai so pār garāmī   Gur sevhu ar nām ḏẖi▫āvahu ṯi▫āgahu manhu gumānī ||4||6||164||


Fifth Nanak (kahto) says/expresses (ih-u) this (beechaaro) thought – conform to Naam. One (j-i) who (kamaavai) does this (s-u) that person (paargraami = resident of village across the ocean) overcomes temptations and finds the Almighty within.

Therefore (seyvah-u = serve) follow (gur-u) the guru’s teachings, (tiaagah- u) give up (gumaani) vanity (manah-u) from the mind, and (dhiaavah-u = pay attention to) obey (naam-u) Divine virtues and commands4. 6. 164.




ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ੫ ॥  ਮਾਧਉ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਮੁਖਿ ਕਹੀਐ ॥   ਹਮ ਤੇ ਕਛੂ ਨ ਹੋਵੈ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਜਿਉ ਰਾਖਹੁ ਤਿਉ ਰਹੀਐ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mālā 5.  Māḏẖa▫o har har har mukẖ kahī▫ai   Ham ṯe kacẖẖū na hovai su▫āmī ji▫o rākẖo ṯi▫o rahī▫ai ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri, Raagini Maala. We should (kaheeai = say) acknowledge/obey (maadhau = master of world-play) the Creator (har-i har-i har-i = God – thrice) in thought, word and deed, and pray:

O (suaami) Master, (kachhoo na) nothing (hovai) can be done (tey) by (ham) us, we (raheeai) remain (tiau) that way (jio) as You (raakhah-u) keep, i.e. pray to keep us as the Almighty approves. 1.

(Rahaau) pause here and reflect.


ਕਿਆ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਰੈ ਕਿ ਕਰਣੈਹਾਰਾ ਕਿਆ ਇਸੁ ਹਾਥਿ ਬਿਚਾਰੇ ॥   ਜਿਤੁ ਤੁਮ ਲਾਵਹੁ ਤਿਤ ਹੀ ਲਾਗਾ ਪੂਰਨ ਖਸਮ ਹਮਾਰੇ ॥੧॥

Ki▫ā kicẖẖ karai kė karnaihārā ki▫ā is hāth bicẖāre   Jiṯ ṯum lāvhu ṯiṯ hī lāgā pūran kẖasam hamāre ||1||


(Kia) what does the mortal do – i.e. the mortal can do nothing by the self, in fact what is s/he (karnaihaara) capable of doing; what is in the (haath) hands of (bicharai) helpless being?

S/he (laaga) engages in (tit) that in (jit) what (tum) you (laavah-u) engage him/her – i.e. all activities are controlled by you (hamaarey) our (pooran) all-pervasive (khasam) Master. 1.


ਕਰਹੁ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਸਰਬ ਕੇ ਦਾਤੇ ਏਕ ਰੂਪ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਵਹੁ ॥   ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਬੇਨੰਤੀ ਹਰਿ ਪਹਿ ਅਪੁਨਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਵਹੁ ॥੨॥੭॥੧੬੫॥

Karahu kirpā sarab ke ḏāṯe ek rūp liv lāvhu   Nānak kī benanṯī har pėh apunā nām japāvhu ||2||7||165||


Please (karahau kripa) bestow your grace, O (daate = giver) benefactor of (sarab) all, so that everyone (liv laavahu) concentrates in meditation on (ek roop= one form) you alone.

It is (benti) the supplication (ki) of Nanak (pah) to (har) the Creator; please enable me to (japavahu) remember (apna = own) Your (Naam) virtues and commands – so that I live by them. 2. 7. 165.



ਰਾਗੁ ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਝ ਮਹਲਾ ੫

Rāg ga▫oṛī mājẖ mėhlā 5


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Maajh.


ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ


One all-pervasive Creator who is known by the true guru’s grace


Note: The word ਦਮੋਦਰ (damodar), meaning one who has a rope round the waist, is an epithet for Krishna, the Hindu deity. Because he was naughty his mother tied him with a rope. It is used for the Divine in the verse below and elsewhere.


ਦੀਨ ਦਇਆਲ ਦਮੋਦਰ ਰਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਕੋਟਿ ਜਨਾ ਕਰਿ ਸੇਵ ਲਗਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਭਗਤ ਵਛਲੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਬਿਰਦੁ ਰਖਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਪੂਰਨ ਸਭਨੀ ਜਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੧॥

Ḏīn ḏa▫i▫āl ḏamoḏar rā▫i▫ā jī▫o   Kot janā kar sev lagā▫i▫ā jī▫o   Bẖagaṯ vacẖẖal ṯerā biraḏ

rakẖā▫i▫ā jī▫o  Pūran sabẖnī jā▫ī jī▫o ||1||


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri Raagini Maajh. The Almighty, you are (deen daiaal) compassionate to the poor, (damodar) Divine and (raaiai) the Sovereign king.

You have (kar-i) created (kott-i = crores) billions and (lagaaiai) engaged them in your (seyv) service – i.e. allotted them their roles.

(Bhagat vachhal-u) You love the devotees; that is (teyra) Your (birad-u) tradition, you (rakhaaia) maintain that always.

You (pooran = filled) pervade (sabhni) at all (jaaee) places, (jio) I respectfully say. 1.


ਕਿਉ ਪੇਖਾ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮੁ ਕਵਣ ਸੁਕਰਣੀ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਸੰਤਾ ਦਾਸੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਚਰਣੀ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਇਹੁ ਜੀਉ ਵਤਾਈ ਬਲਿ ਬਲਿ ਜਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਤਿਸੁ ਨਿਵਿ ਨਿਵਿ ਲਾਗਉ ਪਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੨॥

Ki▫o pekẖā parīṯam kavaṇ sukarṇī jī▫o Sanṯā ḏāsī sevā cẖarṇī jī▫o   Ih jī▫o vaṯā▫ī bal bal jā▫ī jī▫o   Ŧis niv niv lāga▫o pā▫ī jī▫o ||2||


Question: (Kio) how do I (peykha= see) have vision of the (preetam-u) beloved Creator; what (sukarni) good deeds should I do for that?

Answer: Be a (daasi) servant of (santa) the saints and (seyva) serve them being (charni) at their feet – i.e. learn from and obey them in humility.

Also, I should (vataaee) sacrifice my (jeeo) life and (bal-i bal-i jaaee = ever sacrifice) place myself at the disposal of the Master.

And I should (niv-i niv-i = bow) pay obeisance and (laagau) touch (paaee) the feet (tis) of the Master – i.e. humbly carry out commands of the Master, (jio) I say respectfully. 2.


ਪੋਥੀ ਪੰਡਿਤ ਬੇਦ ਖੋਜੰਤਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਹੋਇ ਬੈਰਾਗੀ ਤੀਰਥਿ ਨਾਵੰਤਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਗੀਤ ਨਾਦ ਕੀਰਤਨੁ ਗਾਵੰਤਾ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਹਰਿ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥

Pothī pandiṯ beḏ kẖojanṯā jī▫o Ho▫e bairāgī ṯirath nāvanṯā jī▫o   Gīṯ nāḏ kīrṯan gāvanṯā jī▫o  Har nirbẖa▫o nām ḏẖi▫ā▫ī jī▫o ||3||


The (pandit) learned people (khojanta) search for the Creator in (pothi = texts, beyd = Vedas) the scriptures.

Some (hoey) become (bairaagi) recluse and renounce the world; some (naavanta) bathe at (teerath) pilgrim centers.

The Yogis (geet) sing songs, (naad) play musical instruments or (gaavanta) sing (keertan-u) praising Divine virtues.

But, I (dhiaaee) pay attention to/obey (naam-u) commands of (nirbhau = fearless – answerable to none; (jio) I say that respectfully. 3.


ਭਏ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਲ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਮੇਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਪਤਿਤ ਪਵਿਤ ਲਗਿ ਗੁਰ ਕੇ ਪੈਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਭ੍ਰਮੁ ਭਉ ਕਾਟਿ ਕੀਏ ਨਿਰਵੈਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਗੁਰ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਆਸ ਪੂਰਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥

Bẖa▫e kirpāl su▫āmī mere jī▫o   Paṯiṯ paviṯ lag gur ke paire jī▫o   Bẖaram bẖa▫o kāt kī▫e nirvaire jī▫o  Gur man kī ās pūrā▫ī jī▫o ||4||


Those to whom (suaami) Master (meyrey = my) of all is (kripaal) kind to all. (Patit) those fallen to vices become (pavit) purified when they (lag-i) touch/be at (pairey) feet the guru, i.e. by following the guru.

The guru, (kaat-i = cuts) banishes (bhram-u) delusion and (bhau) apprehensions and (keeay) makes them (nirvairey) free of enmity, i.e. they see God in everyone.

The guru (puraaee) helps fulfil (aas) aspirations of (man) the mind – to unite with the Master. 4.


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ਜਿਨਿ ਨਾਉ ਪਾਇਆ ਸੋ ਧਨਵੰਤਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਜਿਨਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਧਿਆਇਆ ਸੁ ਸੋਭਾਵੰਤਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਜਿਸੁ ਸਾਧੂ ਸੰਗਤਿ ਤਿਸੁ ਸਭ ਸੁਕਰਣੀ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕਸਹਜਿ ਸਮਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੫॥੧॥੧੬੬॥

Jin nā▫o pā▫i▫ā so ḏẖanvanṯā jī▫o Jin parabẖ ḏẖi▫ā▫i▫ā so sobẖāvanṯā jī▫o   Jis sāḏẖū sangaṯ ṯis sabẖsukarṇī jī▫o Jan Nānak sahj samā▫ī jī▫o ||5||1||166||


(Jin-i those who (paaia) receive awareness of (naau) Divine virtues and commands from the guru (se) they are truly (dhanvanta) wealthy.

Those who (dhiaaia) attentively remember (prabh-u = Creator) the Creator’s virtues and commands, (s-u) they (sobhavanta) have a good name/reputation.

(Jis) one who seeks (sangat-i) company/guidance of (saadhoo) the guru, (tis) s/he (sukarni) does virtuous deeds according to the guru’s teachings.

All such (Jan) people remain (sahj) effortlessly (samaaee) absorbed in the Creator, (jeeo) I say respectfully. 5. 1. 166.




ਆਉ ਹਮਾਰੈ ਰਾਮ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥  ਰੈਣਿ ਦਿਨਸੁ ਸਾਸਿ ਸਾਸਿ ਚਿਤਾਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਸੰਤ ਦੇਉ ਸੰਦੇਸਾ ਪੈ ਚਰਣਾਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਤੁਧੁ ਬਿਨੁ ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਤਰੀਐ ਜੀਉ ॥੧॥

Ga▫oṛī mėhlā 5 mājẖ.  Ā▫o hamārai rām pi▫āre jī▫o   Raiṇ ḏinas sās sās cẖiṯāre jī▫o   Sanṯ ḏe▫o sanḏesā pai cẖarṇāre jī▫o Ŧuḏẖ bin kiṯ biḏẖ ṯarī▫ai jī▫o ||1||


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri Raagini Maajh. O (piaarey) Beloved (raam) Almighty, please (aau) come abide (hamaarai) in my mind, i.e. lead me to the guru to receive awareness of Divine virtues and commands. May I (chitaarey) keep them in mind (saas-i saas-i = with every breath) every moment of (dinas-u) day and (rain-i) nighty.

I shall (pai) fall (charnaarey) at feet of (sant) the guru and beseech to (deyau) give (sandeysa = message) awareness of Naam. (Kit-u = which, bidh-i = way) we cannot (tareeai = swim) remain above vices in the world-play (bin-u) without (tudh-u = you) your guidance, o guru. 1.


ਸੰਗਿ ਤੁਮਾਰੈ ਮੈ ਕਰੇ ਅਨੰਦਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਵਣਿ ਤਿਣਿ ਤ੍ਰਿਭਵਣਿ ਸੁਖ ਪਰਮਾਨੰਦਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਸੇਜ ਸੁਹਾਵੀ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਬਿਗਸੰਦਾ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਪੇਖਿ ਦਰਸਨੁ ਇਹੁ ਸੁਖੁ ਲਹੀਐ ਜੀਉ ॥੨॥

Sang ṯumārai mai kare ananḏā jī▫o vaṇ ṯiṇ ṯaribẖavaṇ sukẖ parmānanḏā jī▫o Sej suhāvī ih man bigsanḏā jī▫o Pekẖ ḏarsan ih sukẖ lahī▫ai jī▫o ||2||


O Almighty, (mai) I (karey) make (ananda) merry with (tumaarai) Your (sang-i) company/guidance, i.e. by leading life with Naam in mind. (Van-i) grass, (van-i) trees and (tribhavan-i = three regions – water, land, space, i.e. from the smallest to the biggest all – can enjoy (sukh) comfort by obeying the Almighty source of (parmananda) supreme bliss.

When you are on the (seyj) the bed of devotion – i.e. in my mind, it (suhaavi) feels good and (bigsanda) blossoms

(Ih-u) this (sukh-u) comfort is (laheeai) obtained (peykh-i) seeing Divine (darsan-u) vision within. 2.


(kare ananda) experience bliss (sang tuhaarai = in your company) when you are in my mind, my Master.

The (van, tin = trees and grass) all vegetation in (tribhavan = the three worlds – space, earth and lower regions) the whole creation enjoys the (sukh) blessings of the (parmaananda) the source of Supreme bliss – You.


ਚਰਣ ਪਖਾਰਿ ਕਰੀ ਨਿਤ ਸੇਵਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਪੂਜਾ ਅਰਚਾ ਬੰਦਨ ਦੇਵਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਦਾਸਨਿ ਦਾਸੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਿ ਲੇਵਾ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਬਿਨਉ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਪਹਿ ਕਹੀਐ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥

Cẖaraṇ pakẖār karī niṯ sevā jī▫o   Pūjā arcẖā banḏan ḏevā jī▫o   Ḏāsan ḏās nām jap levā jī▫o   Bin▫oṯẖākur pėh kahī▫ai jī▫o ||3||


May I (pakhaar-i) wash (charan) feet of the saints and (nit) ever (kar-i) do (seyva) service, i.e. follow their guidance and example. This is (pooja) worship, (archa0 offerings of flowers etc. of (deyva) the deity.

Please make me (daas-u) servant of Your (daasan-i) servants/devotes, so that in their company I (jap-I leyva) remember and obey (naam-u) Divine commands, this is (binau) the entity we should (kaheeai = sake) make (pah-i) to (tthaakur) the Master. 3.


ਇਛ ਪੁੰਨੀ ਮੇਰੀ ਮਨੁ ਤਨੁ ਹਰਿਆ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਦਰਸਨ ਪੇਖਤ ਸਭ ਦੁਖ ਪਰਹਰਿਆ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪੇ ਜਪਿ

ਤਰਿਆ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਇਹੁ ਅਜਰੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਸੁਖੁ ਸਹੀਐ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥੨॥੧੬੭॥

Icẖẖ punnī merī man ṯan hari▫ā jī▫o Ḏarsan pekẖaṯ sabẖ ḏukẖ parhari▫ā jī▫o   Har har nām jape japṯari▫ā jī▫o   Ih ajar Nānak sukẖ sahī▫ai jī▫o ||4||2||167||


(Meyri) my (ichh) yearning – for union with the Creator – (puni) has been fulfilled and (man-u) mind and (tan-u) mind and body (haria = become green) are revitalized – I feel good. (Sabh) all (dukh) anxiety has (parhariaa) gone away (peykhat) seeing (darsan) vision, i.e. by finding the Almighty within.

I (tariaa = swim) have overcome vices (japey jap-i) ever obeying (har-i = dispels vices) the purifying and (hari = makes green) rejuvenating (naam-u) Divine commands. (Ih) this (sukh-u) pleasure/comfort is (ajar-u = hard to bear) difficult to get; I (sahia = bear) obtained it by devotion, says fifth Nanak. 4. 2. 167.




ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਝ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥   ਸੁਣਿ ਸੁਣਿ ਸਾਜਨ ਮਨ ਮਿਤ ਪਿਆਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਮਨੁ ਤਨੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਇਹੁ ਜੀਉ ਭਿ ਵਾਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਵਿਸਰੁ ਨਾਹੀ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਪ੍ਰਾਣ ਅਧਾਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥  ਸਦਾ ਤੇਰੀ ਸਰਣਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੧॥

Ga▫oṛī mājẖ mėhlā 5  Suṇ suṇ sājan man miṯ pi▫āre jī▫o Man ṯan ṯerā ih jī▫o bẖė vāre jī▫o visar nāhī parabẖ parāṇ aḏẖāre jī▫o   Saḏā ṯerī sarṇā▫ī jī▫o ||1||



Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri Raagini Maajh. (Sun-i sun-i) ever listening to Your virtues, you have become (piaarey) dear (saajan mit) friend of my (man) mind. (Ih-u) this (man-u) mind and (tan-u) body is (teyra = your) Your gift, as is (bh-i) also my (jeeo) soul; I (sacrifice) dedicate all these, i.e. thoughts and actions to You.

You are (adhaarey) the Mainstay of (praan) life, please do not (visar-u) be forgotten, i.e. May I ever be conscious of Divine virtues and commands. Please keep me (sadaa) ever in Your (sarnaaee = sanctuary) care and obedience. 1.


ਜਿਸੁ ਮਿਲਿਐ ਮਨੁ ਜੀਵੈ ਭਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਦੀ ਸੋ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਪਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਸਭ ਕਿਛੁ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੀਆ ਜਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਉ ਸਦ ਬਲਿ ਜਾਈ ਜੀਉ ॥੨॥

Jis mili▫ai man jīvai bẖā▫ī jī▫o Gur parsādī so har har pā▫ī jī▫o   Sabẖ kicẖẖ parabẖ kā parabẖ

kī▫ā jā▫ījī▫o Parabẖ ka▫o saḏ bal jā▫ī jīa ||2||


O (bhaaee = brother) dear, that (miliai) by receiving (jis-u) which, (man-u) the mind (jeevai = lives) gets strength to overcome vices. Awareness of (so) that (har-i = dispels vices) purifying and (har-I = makes green) rejuvenating Naam (paaee) is obtained (parsaadi) with grace/guidance of (gur) the guru.

One realizes that (sabh kichh-u) everything is (ka = of) given/created by (prabh) the Creator and all (jaaee) places are (keeaa = of) pervaded by the Creator. We should (sad) ever (bal-i jaaee = be sacrifice, kau = to) totally submit to commands of the Creator. 2.


ਏਹੁ ਨਿਧਾਨੁ ਜਪੈ ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਨਾਮ ਨਿਰੰਜਨ ਏਕ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਗੀ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਪਾਇਆ ਸਭੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਮਿਟਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਆਠ ਪਹਰ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਇਆ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥

Ėhu niḏẖān japai vadbẖāgī jī▫o   Nām niranjan ek liv lāgī jī▫o  Gur pūrā pā▫i▫ā sabẖ ḏukẖ

mitā▫i▫ā jī▫o Āṯẖ pahar guṇ gā▫i▫ā jī▫o ||3||


One who (japai) obeys (eyh-u = this, nidhaan-u = treasure) Naam is (vaddbhaagi) a fortunate. His/her (liv) attention (laagi) is fixed on conformance to (naam) commands of (eyk) the One (niranjan) pristine Almighty.

When guidance of (poora) the perfect (gur-u) is (paaiaa) obtained/followed, it (mittaaiaa = erases) obviates (sabh-u) every (dukh-u) grief, i.e. one remains at peace with focus on God. S/he (gaaiaa = sings) praises/emulates (gun) Divine virtues (aatth = eight x pahar = three hours) twenty fours of day and night. 3.


ਰਤਨ ਪਦਾਰਥ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਤੁਮਾਰਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਤੂੰ ਸਚਾ ਸਾਹੁ ਭਗਤੁ ਵਣਜਾਰਾ ਜੀਉ ॥   ਹਰਿ ਧਨੁ ਰਾਸਿ ਸਚੁ ਵਾਪਾਰਾ ਜੀਉ ॥

ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਦ ਬਲਿਹਾਰਾ ਜੀਉ ॥੪॥੩॥੧੬੮॥

Raṯan paḏārath har nām ṯumārā jī▫o Ŧūʼn sacẖā sāhu bẖagaṯ vaṇjārā jī▫o   Har ḏẖan rās sacẖ vāpārājī▫o   Jan Nānak saḏ balihārā jī▫o ||4||3||168||


O (har-i) Almighty awareness of (tumaara) Your (naam-u) commands is (ratan = jewel) valuable (padaarath = substance) merchandise, – with which to conduct dealings in life. (Toon) You are (sachaa) the true/eternal (saah-u) financier/source of funds and (bhagat-u) the devotee is (vanjaara) the merchant – who conducts the business of life with it. (Jan) humble devotee (sad) ever (balihaara = sacrifice) obey You, says fifth Nanak. 4. 3. 168.




ਰਾਗੁ ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਝ ਮਹਲਾ ੫

Rāg ga▫oṛī mājẖ mėhlā 5


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri, Raagini Maajh


ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ


Invoking the One all-pervasive Creator who may be known by the true guru’s grace


ਤੂੰ ਮੇਰਾ ਬਹੁ ਮਾਣੁ ਕਰਤੇ ਤੂੰ ਮੇਰਾ ਬਹੁ ਮਾਣੁ ॥   ਜੋਰਿ ਤੁਮਾਰੈ ਸੁਖਿ ਵਸਾ ਸਚੁ ਸਬਦੁ ਨੀਸਾਣੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mājẖ mėhlā 5

Ŧūʼn merā baho māṇ karṯe ṯūʼn merā baho māṇ   Jor ṯumārai sukẖ vasā sacẖ sabaḏ nīsāṇ ||1|| rahā▫o



O (kartey) Creator, (toon) You are (meyra) my (bah-u) great (maan-u) pride, i.e. I enjoy the high status by obeying You.

It is because of (tumaarai) Your (jor-i = power) grace that I (vasaa) live (sukh-i) in comfort;

(neesaan-u) the sign is that I (vasaa) live according to (sach-u) the eternal/inevitable (sabad-u = word) Divine commands. 1

(Rahaau) pause here and reflect.


ਸਭੇ ਗਲਾ ਜਾਤੀਆ ਸੁਣਿ ਕੈ ਚੁਪ ਕੀਆ ॥   ਕਦ ਹੀ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਨ ਲਧੀਆ ਮਾਇਆ ਮੋਹੜਿਆ ॥੧॥

Sabẖe galā jāṯī▫ā suṇ kai cẖup kī▫ā   Kaḏ hī suraṯ na laḏẖī▫ā mā▫i▫ā mohṛi▫ā ||1||


The mortal (jaateea) knows (sabhey) all (galaa) things, but (chup keea = keeps quiet) ignores them (sun-i kai) after listening/watching.

Being (mohiria) lured by temptations of (maaia) the world-play s/he (kad hi) never (surat-i ladhia = find in consciousness) keeps them in mind. 1.


ਦੇਇ ਬੁਝਾਰਤ ਸਾਰਤਾ ਸੇ ਅਖੀ ਡਿਠੜਿਆ ॥   ਕੋਈ ਜਿ ਮੂਰਖੁ ਲੋਭੀਆ ਮੂਲਿ ਨ ਸੁਣੀ ਕਹਿਆ ॥੨॥

Ḏe▫e bujẖāraṯ sārṯā se akẖī diṯẖ▫ṛi▫ā   Ko▫ī jė mūrakẖ lobẖī▫ā mūl na suṇī kahi▫ā ||2||


The Creator (dey-i) gives (saarta) signs or (bujhaarta) riddles (so) that s/he (ditthrria) sees (akhi) with the eyes – i.e. should understand.

But the mortal is (koee j-i) such a (moorakh) fool and (lobhia = greedy) engrossed in other attachments, that s/he (na) does not (sunee) listen to what is (kahia) said – i.e. does not understand what is conveyed. 2.


Page 218


ਇਕਸੁ ਦੁਹੁ ਚਹੁ ਕਿਆ ਗਣੀ ਸਭ ਇਕਤੁ ਸਾਦਿ ਮੁਠੀ ॥   ਇਕੁ ਅਧੁ ਨਾਇ ਰਸੀਅੜਾ ਕਾ ਵਿਰਲੀ ਜਾਇ ਵੁਠੀ ॥੩॥

Ikas ḏuhu cẖahu ki▫ā gaṇī sabẖ ikaṯ sāḏ muṯẖī   Ik aḏẖ nā▫e rasī▫aṛā kā virlī jā▫e vuṯẖī ||3||


Such people are not (ikas-u, duh-u, chah-u) one, two or four in number; (kia) how can one (gani) count – it is not possible to count – when (sabh) all are (mutthi = deceived) led astray by (ikat = one) the same (saad = taste) temptations.

There may be (ik-u adh-u) an odd person, (vuthi) living at (ka) some (virli) rare (jaaey) place, who is (raseearra) imbued with (naaey) Divine virtues and commands. 3.


ਭਗਤ ਸਚੇ ਦਰਿ ਸੋਹਦੇ ਅਨਦ ਕਰਹਿ ਦਿਨ ਰਾਤਿ ॥   ਰੰਗਿ ਰਤੇ ਪਰਮੇਸਰੈ ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਤਿਨ ਬਲਿ ਜਾਤ ॥੪॥੧॥੧੬੯॥

Bẖagaṯ sacẖe ḏar sohḏe anaḏ karahi ḏin rāṯ   Rang raṯe parmesrai jan Nānak ṯin bal jāṯ ||4||1||169||


The (bhagat) devotees (sohdey) look good (dar-i) at court of the Creator – i.e. they are received to the Creator’s abode with honour – and (anand karah-i) remain happy (din = day, raat-i = night) forever.

They are (ratey = dyed) imbued (rang-i) with love (parameysrai) of the Supreme Master; (jan) humble fifth Nanak (bal-i jaat = is sacrifice) adores (tin) them. 4. 1. 169.




ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਮਾਂਝ ॥  ਦੁਖ ਭੰਜਨੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਜੀ ਦੁਖ ਭੰਜਨੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਨਾਮੁ ॥   ਆਠ ਪਹਰ ਆਰਾਧੀਐ ਪੂਰਨ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਗਿਆਨੁ ॥੧॥

ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mėhlā 5 māʼnjẖ.  Ḏukẖ bẖanjan ṯerā nām jī ḏukẖ bẖanjan ṯerā nām Āṯẖ pahar ārāḏẖī▫ai pūran saṯgur gi▫ān ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri, Raagini Maa’njh. Almighty, remembering and living in obedience of (teyra) Your (naam-u) commands, (bhanjan-u = destroyer) relieves from (dukh) suffering.

This is the (giaan = knowledge) teaching of (pooran) the perfect guru: we should (aaraadheeai) invoke Naam by remembering it (aatth = eight x pahar = three hours) round the clock. 1.

(Rahaau) pause here and reflect.


ਜਿਤੁ ਘਟਿ ਵਸੈ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਸੋਈ ਸੁਹਾਵਾ ਥਾਉ ॥   ਜਮ ਕੰਕਰੁ ਨੇੜਿ ਨ ਆਵਈ ਰਸਨਾ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਣ ਗਾਉ ॥੧॥

Jiṯ gẖat vasai pārbarahm so▫ī suhāvā thā▫o   Jam kankar neṛ na āvī rasnā har guṇ gā▫o ||1||


(Ghatt-i) the mind (jit-u) in which (paarbrahm-u) the Supreme Spirit (vasai) abides – i.e. the mind is conscious of Divine commands – (soee) that (thaao = place) mind (suhaava = feels good) has a pleasant experience.

(Kankar-u = stone, debris) torture/punishment of (jam) Divine justice does not (aavaee) come (neyrr-i) near one who (gaavaee) sings (gun) virtues with (rasna) the tongue – and emulates. 1.


ਸੇਵਾ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਨ ਜਾਣੀਆ ਨਾ ਜਾਪੈ ਆਰਾਧਿ ॥   ਓਟ ਤੇਰੀ ਜਗਜੀਵਨਾ ਮੇਰੇ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਅਗਮ ਅਗਾਧਿ ॥੨॥

Sevā suraṯ na jāṇī▫ā nā jāpai ārāḏẖ   Ot ṯerī jagjīvanā mere ṯẖākur agam agāḏẖ ||2||


I am ignorant, thought of Your (seyva = service) obedience has never (jaaneea = known) come to my (surat-i) consciousness/mind; I also do not (jaapai) know (araadh-i) how to invoke You.

O (meyrey) my (tthaakur) Master and (jagjeevna = life of the world) Creator, you are (agam) beyond reach and (agaadh-i) unfathomable, i.e. I cannot reach You, but I seek (teyri) Your (ott) protection from evil. 2.


ਭਏ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਲ ਗੁਸਾਈਆ ਨਠੇ ਸੋਗ ਸੰਤਾਪ ॥   ਤਤੀ ਵਾਉ ਨ ਲਗਈ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਰਖੇ ਆਪਿ ॥੩॥

Bẖa▫e kirpāl gusā▫ī▫ā naṯẖe sog sanṯāp   Ŧaṯī vā▫o na lag▫ī saṯgur rakẖe āp ||3||


When (gusaaeea) the Master of the universe (bhae) is (kripal) kind, one finds and follows the guru, and all (sog) sorrow and (santaap) suffering (natthey = run away) ends.

There is no (tati vaau = hot air) discomfort/grief for one who – follows the guru’s teachings and – is (rakhey) protected by (satgur-i) the true guru (aap-i) himself.



ਗੁਰੁ ਨਾਰਾਇਣੁ ਦਯੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਸਚਾ ਸਿਰਜਣਹਾਰੁ ॥   ਗੁਰਿ ਤੁਠੈ ਸਭ ਕਿਛੁ ਪਾਇਆ ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਦ ਬਲਿਹਾਰ ॥੪॥੨॥੧੭੦॥

Gur nārā▫iṇ ḏa▫yu gur gur sacẖā sirjaṇhār   Gur ṯuṯẖai sabẖ kicẖẖ pā▫i▫ā jan Nānak saḏ balihār ||4||2||170||


The guru is the embodiment of (naaraain) of the Almighty, (day-u = the Divine light) object of worship, (sirjanhaar-u) the Creator.

So (sabh kichh-u) everything is (paaia) obtained when the guru (tutthai) is pleased to guide; I am (sad) ever (balihaar = sacrifice) adore the guru – shall ever do as the guru directs, says fifth Nanak. 4. 2. 170.




SGGS pp 214-216, Gauri M: 5, (157-163).

SGGS pp 214-216, Gauri M: 5, (157-163).


ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥  ਮਾਤੋ ਹਰਿ ਰੰਗਿ ਮਾਤੋ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mėhlā 5 Māṯo har rang māṯo ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri. I am (maato) intoxicated, I am (maato) intoxicated (rang-i) with love of (har-i) the Almighty. 1.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


ਓ‍ੁਹੀ ਪੀਓ ਓ‍ੁਹੀ ਖੀਓ ਗੁਰਹਿ ਦੀਓ ਦਾਨੁ ਕੀਓ ॥   ਉਆਹੂ ਸਿਉ ਮਨੁ ਰਾਤੋ ॥੧॥

Ohī pī▫o ohī kẖī▫o gurėh ḏī▫o ḏān kī▫o U▫āhū si▫o man rāṯo ||1||


I (peeo) drank (uhi) that elixir, and (kheeo) intoxicated with that awareness; (gurah-i) the guru (daan-u = charity, keeo = made) kindly (deeo) gave that awareness to me. (man-i) the mind (raato) imbued (siau) with love of (uhaahoo = that) the Almighty. 1.


Note: The verse below uses the method of distilling liquor as allegory of how one gets intoxicated with Divine love.


ਓ‍ੁਹੀ ਭਾਠੀ ਓ‍ੁਹੀ ਪੋਚਾ ਉਹੀ ਪਿਆਰੋ ਉਹੀ ਰੂਚਾ ॥   ਮਨਿ ਓਹੋ ਸੁਖੁ ਜਾਤੋ ॥੨॥

Ohī bẖāṯẖī ohī pocẖā uhī pi▫āro uhī rūcẖā   Man oho sukẖ jāṯo ||2||


(Uhi = that) the Almighty is (bhaatthi) furnace to heat, (pochaa) plaster on the tube to cool/liquefy, (piaaro/piaala) the cup and (roocha/ruche) longing to drink, i.e. the Almighty IT-self creates yearning for IT-self. My (man-i) mind (jaato) knows/considers (oho) that (sukh-u) comfort/pleasure, i.e. solace cannot come in any other way. 2.


ਸਹਜ ਕੇਲ ਅਨਦ ਖੇਲ ਰਹੇ ਫੇਰ ਭਏ ਮੇਲ ॥   ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰ ਸਬਦਿ ਪਰਾਤੋ ॥੩॥੪॥੧੫੭॥

Sahj kel anaḏ kẖel rahe fer bẖa▫e mel   Nānak gur sabaḏ parāṯo ||3||4||157||


This is how (meyl) union with the Almighty (bhaey) is attained, (pheyr) cycles of births and deaths (rahey) end; one achieves (sahj) steadfastness, (keyl, anad/anand) making merry and (kheyl) playfulness with the Almighty within.

One (praato = is put) reaches this state (sabad-i = with the word) with guidance of (guru) the guru, says fifth Nanak. 3. 4. 157.




ਰਾਗੁ ਗੌੜੀ ਮਾਲਵਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫

Rāg gouṛī mālvā mėhlā 5


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gourri, Raagini Maalva.


ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ


One all-pervasive Creator who may be known through the true guru’s grace


ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਲੇਹੁ ਮੀਤਾ ਲੇਹੁ ਆਗੈ ਬਿਖਮ ਪੰਥੁ ਭੈਆਨ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Har nām leho mīṯā leho āgai bikẖam panth bẖai▫ān||1|| rahā▫o


(Leyhu) take the support of (har-i) Divine (naam-u) Divine commands, (meeta) my friend, (panth) the path (aagai) ahead is (bikham) difficult and (bhaiaa) terrifying – otherwise you will fall prey to temptations.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


ਸੇਵਤ ਸੇਵਤ ਸਦਾ ਸੇਵਿ ਤੇਰੈ ਸੰਗਿ ਬਸਤੁ ਹੈ ਕਾਲੁ ॥   ਕਰਿ ਸੇਵਾ ਤੂੰ ਸਾਧ ਕੀ ਹੋ ਕਾਟੀਐ

ਜਮ ਜਾਲੁ ॥੧॥

Sevaṯ sevaṯ saḏā sev ṯerai sang basaṯ hai kāl   Kar sevā ṯūʼn sāḏẖ kī ho kātī▫ai jam jāl ||1||


Remember to (sevat sevat = serving) keep obeying Divine commands, (sadaa) ever (seyv-i) obey Divine commands; (kaal-u = death) propensity to fall prey to temptations (basat-u) lives (sang-i) with you – in the environment.

To escape this, (kar-i seyva = serve) follow the teachings of (saadh) of the guru and (ho) be (kaatteeai = cut) free of (jaan-u) web of vices which cause to be detained by (jam) Divine justice.


ਹੋਮ ਜਗ ਤੀਰਥ ਕੀਏ ਬਿਚਿ ਹਉਮੈ ਬਧੇ ਬਿਕਾਰ ॥   ਨਰਕੁ ਸੁਰਗੁ ਦੁਇ ਭੁੰਚਨਾ ਹੋਇ ਬਹੁਰਿ ਬਹੁਰਿ ਅਵਤਾਰ ॥੨॥

Hom jag ṯirath kī▫e bicẖ ha▫umai baḏẖe bikār   Narak surag ḏu▫e bẖuncẖanā ho▫e bahur bahur avṯār ||2||


(Haumai) ego (badhai) increases (bich-i) in (keeay) performing (home) fire sacrifices, (jag) sacrificial ceremonies and one commits (bikaar) vices. One (bhunchnaa) go through (duey) both (narak-u = hell) bad times and (surag-u = heaven) good times, i.e. is never at peace in life and (hoey) is (avatar) born (bahur-i bahur-i) again and again. 2.


ਸਿਵ ਪੁਰੀ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਇੰਦ੍ਰ ਪੁਰੀ ਨਿਹਚਲੁ ਕੋ ਥਾਉ ਨਾਹਿ ॥   ਬਿਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਸੇਵਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਨਹੀ ਹੋ ਸਾਕਤ ਆਵਹਿ ਜਾਹਿ ॥੩॥

Siv purī barahm inḏar purī nihcẖal ko thā▫o nāhi   Bin har sevā sukẖ nahī ho sākaṯ āvahi jāhi ||3||


By performing rituals people expect to get to the (puri) abodes of (siv) Shiva, (brahm) brahma or (idr) indra, but (Jo naah-i = not any) no (thaau) place is (nihchall-i) unshakable, i.e. peace cannot be attained by worship of gods.

(Sukh-u) peace by way of Divine experience (nahi ho) is not attained (bin-u) without (seyva) obedience to (har-i) the Almighty; (saakat) transgressors (aavah-i) come (jaah-i) go, i.e. cannot attain union with the Creator and keeping taking births and dying. 3.


ਜੈਸੋ ਗੁਰਿ ਉਪਦੇਸਿਆ ਮੈ ਤੈਸੋ ਕਹਿਆ ਪੁਕਾਰਿ ॥   ਨਾਨਕੁ ਕਹੈ ਸੁਨਿ ਰੇ ਮਨਾ ਕਰਿ ਕੀਰਤਨੁ ਹੋਇ ਉਧਾਰੁ ॥੪॥੧॥੧੫੮॥

Jaiso gur upḏesi▫ā mai ṯaiso kahi▫ā pukār   Nānak kahai sun re manā kar kīrṯan ho▫e uḏẖār ||4||1||158||


(Mai) I have (pukaar-i) called out and (kahia) spoken (jaisey) as the guru (updeysia) instructed. (Rey) o (manaa) my mind, (udhaar-u) freedom from rebirth (hoey) is attained (kar-i = by doing, keertan-u = praise) by praising/emulating Divine virtues, says fifth Nanak. 4. 1. 158.




ਰਾਗੁ ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫

Rāg ga▫oṛī mālā mėhlā 5



Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri, Raagini Mala.


ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥

Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ


One all-pervasive Creator who may be known with the true guru’s grace.


ਪਾਇਓ ਬਾਲ ਬੁਧਿ ਸੁਖੁ ਰੇ ॥   ਹਰਖ ਸੋਗ ਹਾਨਿ ਮਿਰਤੁ ਦੂਖ ਸੁਖ ਚਿਤਿ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Pā▫i▫o bāl buḏẖ sukẖ re   Harakẖ sog hān miraṯ ḏūkẖ sukẖ cẖiṯ samsar gur mile.||1|| rahā▫o.


One (paaio) obtains (sukh-u) peace by having the innocent (budh-i) intellect of a (baal) child.

This happens (miley) by finding and following the guru; then (chit-i) the mind treats (harakh) joy, (sog) sorrow, (haan-i) loss, (mirat-u) death in family, (samsara-i) equally i.e. equipoise is attained. 1.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


ਜਉ ਲਉ ਹਉ ਕਿਛੁ ਸੋਚਉ ਚਿਤਵਉ ਤਉ ਲਉ ਦੁਖਨੁ ਭਰੇ ॥   ਜਉ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਲੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਭੇਟਿਆ ਤਉ ਆਨਦ ਸਹਜੇ ॥੧॥

Ja▫o la▫o ha▫o kicẖẖ socẖa▫o cẖiṯva▫o ṯa▫o la▫o ḏukẖan bẖare   Ja▫o kirpāl gur pūrā bẖeti▫ā ṯa▫o ānaḏsėhje ||1||


I should not try to be clever and think I know what to do for, (jau lau) as long as (hau) I (sochau) thought of (kichh-u) something and (chitvau) made plans, i.e. acted by self-will, I was (bharey) filled with (dukhan-u) grief  (tau lau) until then – because of lack of success.

(Jau) since I (bheyttia) found (poora) the perfect guru – and followed his teachings – I (sahjey) naturally experience (aanad) bliss – feel at peace. 1.


ਜੇਤੀ ਸਿਆਨਪ ਕਰਮ ਹਉ ਕੀਏ ਤੇਤੇ ਬੰਧ ਪਰੇ ॥   ਜਉ ਸਾਧੂ ਕਰੁ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਧਰਿਓ ਤਬ ਹਮ ਮੁਕਤ ਭਏ ॥੨॥

Jeṯī si▫ānap karam ha▫o kī▫e ṯeṯe banḏẖ pare   Ja▫o sāḏẖū kar masṯak ḏẖari▫o ṯab ham mukaṯ bẖa▫e ||2||


(Jeyti = as many) all (karam) deeds (hau) I did using my (siaanap) cleverness, (teytey = that many) all them (parey = put) became (bandh) shackles. (Jau) when the (saadhu) guru (dhario) put his (kar) hand on my (mastak-i) on the forehead, i.e. imparted awareness of Naam/Divine virtues and commands, (tau) then (ham) I (bhaey) became (mukat) free of, i.e. gave up, acting by self-will. 2.


ਜਉ ਲਉ ਮੇਰੋ ਮੇਰੋ ਕਰਤੋ ਤਉ ਲਉ ਬਿਖੁ ਘੇਰੇ ॥   ਮਨੁ ਤਨੁ ਬੁਧਿ ਅਰਪੀ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਕਉ ਤਬ ਹਮ ਸਹਜਿ ਸੋਏ ॥੩॥

Ja▫o la▫o mero mero karṯo ṯa▫o la▫o bikẖ gẖere Man ṯan buḏẖ arpī ṯẖākur ka▫o ṯab ham sahj so▫e ||3||


(Jau lau) as long as I (karto) kept talking of (meyro meyro = I, mine) myself (tau lau) until then I was (gheyrey) surrounded by (bikh-u = poison) by vices.

But when I (arpi) surrendered/dedicated my (tan = body) actions, (man = mind) thoughts and (budh-i) intellect, (kau) to (thaakur) the Master, since (tab) then I am able to (soe) sleep (sahj) in peace – because vices no longer tempt me. 3.


ਜਉ ਲਉ ਪੋਟ ਉਠਾਈ ਚਲਿਅਉ ਤਉ ਲਉ ਡਾਨ ਭਰੇ ॥   ਪੋਟ ਡਾਰਿ ਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਤਉ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਿਰਭਏ ॥੪॥੧॥੧੫੯॥

Ja▫o la▫o pot uṯẖā▫ī cẖali▫a▫o ṯa▫o la▫o dān bẖare   Pot dār gur pūrā mili▫ā ṯa▫o Nānak nirbẖa▫e ||4||1||159||


As long as I (uthaaee chalio = walked carrying) carried (pott) bundle – of vices – (tau lau) until then I (bharey) paid the (ddaan) the penalty, i.e. suffered.

But since I (ddar-i) put away (pot) the bundle of vices based on ego, sought and (milia) found the (poora) perfect guru – and followed his teachings, I now (nirbhaey = fearless) have no apprehensions of any retributions, says fifth Nanak. 4. 1. 159.




ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥  ਭਾਵਨੁ ਤਿਆਗਿਓ ਰੀ ਤਿਆਗਿਓ ॥   ਤਿਆਗਿਓ ਮੈ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲਿ ਤਿਆਗਿਓ ॥   ਸਰਬ ਸੁਖ ਆਨੰਦ

ਮੰਗਲ ਰਸ ਮਾਨਿ ਗੋਬਿੰਦੈ ਆਗਿਓ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mālā mėhlā 5 Bẖāvan ṯi▫āgi▫o rī ṯi▫āgi▫o   Ŧi▫āgi▫o mai gur mil ṯi▫āgi▫o   Sarab sukẖ ānanḏ mangal ras mān gobinḏaiāgi▫o ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri. (Ri) o friends, I have (tiaagio) given up (bhaavan-u) wishing for anything; I did gave up wishing (mil-i) after meeting the guru – and following his example.

I have experienced that (sarab) all (sukh) comforts, (aanand) bliss, (mangal) joy, (ras) relishes is obtained (maan-i) by obeying (aagio/aagiaa) commands (gobindey = master of the world) the Creator. 1.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


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ਮਾਨੁ ਅਭਿਮਾਨੁ ਦੋਊ ਸਮਾਨੇ ਮਸਤਕੁ ਡਾਰਿ ਗੁਰ ਪਾਗਿਓ ॥   ਸੰਪਤ ਹਰਖੁ ਨ ਆਪਤ ਦੂਖਾ ਰੰਗੁ ਠਾਕੁਰੈ ਲਾਗਿਓ ॥੧॥

Mān abẖimān ḏo▫ū samāne masṯak dār gur pāgi▫o   Sampaṯ harakẖ na āpaṯ ḏūkẖā rang ṯẖākurai lāgi▫o ||1||


I (daari) placed my (mastak-u) forehead on the guru’s (paagio) feet – i.e. submitted to the guru’s teachings and killed my ego, I take being with (maan) respect or (abhimaan-u) arrogance (do-oo) both (samaaney) same.

I do not feel (harakh-u) joy of (sampat) wealth or (dookhaa) pain of (aapt) tribulations; I am (laagio) imbued with (rang-u) love (tthaakurai) of the Master. 1.


ਬਾਸ ਬਾਸਰੀ ਏਕੈ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਉਦਿਆਨ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਾਗਿਓ ॥   ਨਿਰਭਉ ਭਏ ਸੰਤ ਭ੍ਰਮੁ ਡਾਰਿਓ ਪੂਰਨ ਸਰਬਾਗਿਓ ॥੨॥

Bās bāsrī ekai su▫āmī uḏi▫ān ḏaristāgi▫o   Nirbẖa▫o bẖa▫e sanṯ bẖaram ḏāri▫o pūran sarbāgi▫o ||2||


I (dristtaagio) see (eykai) the one/same (suaami) Master in (baasri = residents) those living in the (baas) habitats and in (udiaan) jungles.

(Sant) the guru (daario) removed my (bhram-u) delusion; I now see the (sarbaagio) omniscient Creator (pooran) fully pervading everywhere – i.e. I now experience Divine protection wherever I am – and have therefore become (nirbhau) fearless. 2.


ਜੋ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਰਤੈ ਕਾਰਣੁ ਕੀਨੋ ਮਨਿ ਬੁਰੋ ਨ ਲਾਗਿਓ ॥   ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਪਰਸਾਦਿ ਸੰਤਨ ਕੈ ਸੋਇਓ ਮਨੁ ਜਾਗਿਓ ॥੩॥

Jo kicẖẖ karṯai kāraṇ kīno man buro na lāgi▫o   Sāḏẖsangaṯ parsāḏ sanṯan kai so▫i▫o man jāgi▫o ||3||


(Jo kichh-u) whatever (karati) the Creator (kaaran-u) causes (keeaa = done) to happen does not (laagio) feel (burao) bad, i.e. I am happy with Divine will.

I joined (sadhsangat) the holy congregation and my (soio) sleeping (man-u) mind (jaagio) was awakened, i.e. I realized that Divine will is inevitable, (parsaad-i) with the grace/guidance (kai) of the (santan) devotees.


ਜਨ ਨਾਨਕ ਓੜਿ ਤੁਹਾਰੀ ਪਰਿਓ ਆਇਓ ਸਰਣਾਗਿਓ ॥   ਨਾਮ ਰੰਗ ਸਹਜ ਰਸ ਮਾਣੇ ਫਿਰਿ ਦੂਖੁ ਨ ਲਾਗਿਓ ॥੪॥੨॥੧੬੦॥

Jan Nānak oṛ ṯuhārī pari▫o ā▫i▫o sarṇāgi▫o Nām rang sahj ras māṇe fir ḏūkẖ na lāgi▫o ||4||2||160||


Says (Jan) humble fifth Nanak: Anyone who (aaio) comes to seek your (sarnaagio) sanctuary and (pario) places the self (ruhaari) in your (orr-ii = protection) care and obedience.

S/he (maaney) enjoys (rang) the pleasure of living by (naam) Divine virtues and commands, (sahj) poise and (ras) love; (dookh-u) grief does not (laagio) afflict him/her. 4. 2. 160.




ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥  ਪਾਇਆ ਲਾਲੁ ਰਤਨੁ ਮਨਿ ਪਾਇਆ ॥   ਤਨੁ ਸੀਤਲੁ ਮਨੁ ਸੀਤਲੁ ਥੀਆ ਸਤਗੁਰ ਸਬਦਿ ਸਮਾਇਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mālā mėhlā 5 Pā▫i▫ā lāl raṯan man pā▫i▫ā   Ŧan sīṯal man sīṯal thī▫ā saṯgur sabaḏ samā▫i▫ā ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri. I (paaia) found (laal ratan) a jewel – wealth of awareness of Divine virtues and commands, present – (man-i) in my mind. Now my (tan-u) body (seetal theea) has cooled down – the body organs do not succumb to temptations –  and (man-u) the mind has also cooled down – is at peace -, since I (samaaia = am aborbed) conform (sabad-i = in the word) to teachings of (sat guru) the true guru.1.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


ਲਾਥੀ ਭੂਖ ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨ ਸਭ ਲਾਥੀ ਚਿੰਤਾ ਸਗਲ ਬਿਸਾਰੀ ॥   ਕਰੁ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਗੁਰਿ ਪੂਰੈ ਧਰਿਓ ਮਨੁ ਜੀਤੋ ਜਗੁ ਸਾਰੀ ॥੧॥

Lāthī bẖūkẖ ṯarisan sabẖ lāthī cẖinṯā sagal bisārī   Kar masṯak gur pūrai ḏẖari▫o man jīṯo jag sārī ||1||


Now my (bhookh) hunger and (trisan) thirst (laathi) have gone – i.e. I crave for material things no more – and (sagal) all (chinta) worries (bisaari = forgotten) have gone.

The (poorai) perfect (gur-i) guru (dhario) put his (kar-u) hand (mastak-i) on my forehead, i.e. blessed mw with awareness of Divine virtues and commands; I followed them – with this I have (man jeeto) conquered the mind, and with it (saari) the whole (jag) world – i.e. one who can achieve the difficult task of controlling the mind can conquer the world. 1.


ਤ੍ਰਿਪਤਿ ਅਘਾਇ ਰਹੇ ਰਿਦ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਡੋਲਨ ਤੇ ਅਬ ਚੂਕੇ ॥   ਅਖੁਟੁ ਖਜਾਨਾ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਦੀਆ ਤੋਟਿ ਨਹੀ ਰੇ ਮੂਕੇ ॥੨॥

Ŧaripaṯ agẖā▫e rahe riḏ anṯar dolan ṯe ab cẖūke   Akẖut kẖajānā saṯgur ḏī▫ā ṯot nahī re mūke ||2||


I (rahey) remain (tript-i aghaaey) satisfied (antar-i) in (rid) the mind and have (ab) now (chookey) stopped (ddolan) wavering.

(Satigur-i) the true guru (deaa) gave me (akhott-u) inexhaustible (khajaana = treasure) gift of awareness of Naam/Divine virtues and commands, which does not (tott-i) reduce or (mookey) run out, (rey) o friends. 2.


ਅਚਰਜੁ ਏਕੁ ਸੁਨਹੁ ਰੇ ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਿ ਐਸੀ ਬੂਝ ਬੁਝਾਈ ॥   ਲਾਹਿ ਪਰਦਾ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਜਉ ਭੇਟਿਓ ਤਉ ਬਿਸਰੀ ਤਾਤਿ ਪਰਾਈ ॥੩॥

Acẖraj ek sunhu re bẖā▫ī gur aisī būjẖ bujẖā▫ī   Lāhi parḏā ṯẖākur ja▫o bẖeti▫o ṯa▫o bisrī ṯāṯ parā▫ī ||3||


(Rey) o (bhaee) brother, (sunah-u = hear) there of (acharaj-u) wonderful experience; the guru (bujhaaee) gave me (aisi) such (boojh) understanding. (Jau) when (parda) the mask of ignorance (laah-i) was removed and I (bheyttio) met (tthaakur-u) the Master within, i.e. became aware of Naam, (tau) then I (bisri) forgot, i.e. gave up (taat-i) ill-will (praee) towards others.


ਕਹਿਓ ਨ ਜਾਈ ਏਹੁ ਅਚੰਭਉ ਸੋ ਜਾਨੈ ਜਿਨਿ ਚਾਖਿਆ ॥   ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਚ ਭਏ ਬਿਗਾਸਾ ਗੁਰਿ ਨਿਧਾਨੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਲੈ ਰਾਖਿਆ ॥੪॥੩॥੧੬੧॥

Kahi▫o na jā▫ī ehu acẖambẖa▫o so jānai jin cẖākẖi▫ā   Kaho Nānak sacẖ bẖa▫e bigāsā gur niḏẖān riḏai lai rākẖi▫ā ||4||3||161||


(Eyh-u) this (achambhau) wondrous experience (na jaaee) cannot (kahio) be told, only (so) that person (jin-i) who (chaakhio = tastes) experiences, (jaanai) knows.

Since (gur-i) the guru (lai raakhiaa) placed (nidhaana = treasure) awareness of Naam (ridai) in mind (bhaey bigaasaa) is blossoming with (sach) truthful living, says fifth Nanak. 4. 3. 161.




Note: According to Hindu belief one should aim to get to (lok) places of gods Shiva, Brahman and Indra etc, to abode of the gods. However according to Gurmat, the guru’s teachings, there is temporary satisfaction for performing rituals in this regard and one is restless again. The way is to live by virtues that enable finding the Divine within and maintain that by remembering the Creator’s commands and living by them. This is the context to this Shabad.


ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥  ਉਬਰਤ ਰਾਜਾ ਰਾਮ ਕੀ ਸਰਣੀ ॥   ਸਰਬ ਲੋਕ ਮਾਇਆ ਕੇ ਮੰਡਲ ਗਿਰਿ ਗਿਰਿ ਪਰਤੇ ਧਰਣੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mālā mėhlā 5 Ubraṯ rājā rām kī sarṇī   Sarab lok mā▫i▫ā ke mandal gir gir parṯe ḏẖarṇī ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri. (Sarab) all (lok) places – like, Indra lok etc. which are considered to be in heaven- lie in (mandal) the realm of (maaia) illusion; those who attempt to get there (gir-i gir-i) keep falling (partey) down to (dharti) earth i.e. cannot escape rebirths and deaths.

The only way (ubrat) to be saved from reincarnations is (sarani) refuge (ki) in (raam) Creator (raja) king – and living by IT s commands. 1.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


ਸਾਸਤ ਸਿੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਿ ਬੇਦ ਬੀਚਾਰੇ ਮਹਾ ਪੁਰਖਨ ਇਉ ਕਹਿਆ ॥   ਬਿਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਭਜਨ ਨਾਹੀ ਨਿਸਤਾਰਾ ਸੂਖੁ ਨ ਕਿਨਹੂੰ ਲਹਿਆ ॥੧॥

Sāsaṯ simriṯ beḏ bīcẖāre mahā purkẖan i▫o kahi▫ā   Bin har bẖajan nāhī nisṯārā sūkẖ na kinhūʼn lahi▫ā ||1||


(Maha = great) the spiritually exalted (purkhan) persons who have (beechaarey) reflected on (saast, smriti and Bed = Shastras, Smritis and Vedaas) the scriptures (kahia) said (io) thus:

(Chhutkaara) freedom – from vices and thus cycles of rebirths and deaths – (naah) is not possible without (bhajan) praising and conforming to commands of (har-i) the Almighty; (na kinhoo’n) no one can (lahia) attain (sookh-u) comfort of union with the Creator without it. 1.


ਤੀਨਿ ਭਵਨ ਕੀ ਲਖਮੀ ਜੋਰੀ ਬੂਝਤ ਨਾਹੀ ਲਹਰੇ ॥   ਬਿਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਭਗਤਿ ਕਹਾ ਥਿਤਿ ਪਾਵੈ ਫਿਰਤੋ

ਪਹਰੇ ਪਹਰੇ ॥੨॥

Ŧīn bẖavan kī lakẖmī jorī būjẖaṯ nāhī lahre   Bin har bẖagaṯ kahā thiṯ pāvai firṯo pahre pahre ||2||


Wealth does not provide peace of mind because there is craving for more. One may (jori) gather (lakhmi) wealth (ki) of (teen bhavan = three regions – water, land and space) the whole world but if s/he does not (boojhat) understand/recognize that (lahrey = waves) temptations.

S/he (phirto) keeps wandering (pahrey pahrey) every moment, i.e. keeps chasing more wealth; one (Kahaa = how?) cannot (paavai) obtain (thit-i) stability of mind, (bin-u) without (bhagat-i) devotion/obedience of (har-i) the Almighty.


ਅਨਿਕ ਬਿਲਾਸ ਕਰਤ ਮਨ ਮੋਹਨ ਪੂਰਨ ਹੋਤ ਨ ਕਾਮਾ ॥   ਜਲਤੋ ਜਲਤੋ ਕਬਹੂ ਨ

ਬੂਝਤ ਸਗਲ ਬ੍ਰਿਥੇ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਮਾ ॥੩॥

Anik bilās karaṯ man mohan pūran hoṯ na kāmā   Jalṯo jalṯo kabhū na būjẖaṯ sagal barithe bin nāmā ||3||


Similarly means of transitory pleasures cannot provide peace of mind. One (karat) performs (anik) numerous means of (bilaas) enjoyment to (man mohan = enticer of mind) wealth but the (kaama = work) the process (na) does not (hot) get (pooran) complete – i.e. one keeps running after more.

(Jalto jalto) the ever burning fire of craving is (kabahoo na) never (boojhat) extinguished; because (sagal) all efforts for attaining peace of mind (bin-u) except by conforming to (naama) living by Divine commands (brithey) go waste – are fruitless. 3.


ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਹੁ ਮੇਰੇ ਮੀਤਾ ਇਹੈ ਸਾਰ ਸੁਖੁ ਪੂਰਾ ॥   ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਜਨਮ ਮਰਣੁ ਨਿਵਾਰੈ ਨਾਨਕ

ਜਨ ਕੀ ਧੂਰਾ ॥੪॥੪॥੧੬੨॥

Har kā nām japahu mere mīṯā ihai sār sukẖ pūrā   Sāḏẖsangaṯ janam maraṇ nivārai Nānak jan kīḏẖūrā ||4||4||162||


(Meyrey) my (meeta) friends, obey (naam-u) commands (ka) of (har-i) the Creator; (ihai) this brings (saar) the sublime (sukh-u poora) perfect comfort – of union with the Creator.

One (nivaarai) avoids further (janam) birth and (maran-u) death (sadhsanga-i) with company/guidance of the guru, and (dhoora = dust of feet) humbling following (Jan = servants) obedient devotees of God, says fifth Nanak. 4. 4. 162.




ਗਉੜੀ ਮਾਲਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥  ਮੋ ਕਉ ਇਹ ਬਿਧਿ ਕੋ ਸਮਝਾਵੈ ॥   ਕਰਤਾ ਹੋਇ ਜਨਾਵੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Ga▫oṛī mālā mėhlā 5 Mo ka▫o ih biḏẖ ko samjẖāvai   Karṯā ho▫e janāvai. ||1|| rahā▫o


Composition of the fifth Guru in Raga Gaurri. If (ko) someone could please (samjhaavai) explain (mo kau) to me (ih) this (bidh-i) method, that is described below in this Sahabd; but only someone who (hoey) has become (karta = Creator) like the Creator – i.e. the guru – can (janaavai = make known) explain. 1.

(Rahaau) dwell on this and reflect.


ਅਨਜਾਨਤ ਕਿਛੁ ਇਨਹਿ ਕਮਾਨੋ ਜਪ ਤਪ ਕਛੂ ਨ ਸਾਧਾ ॥   ਦਹ ਦਿਸਿ ਲੈ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਦਉਰਾਇਓ ਕਵਨ ਕਰਮ ਕਰਿ ਬਾਧਾ ॥੧॥

Anjānaṯ kicẖẖ inėh kamāno jap ṯap kacẖẖū na sāḏẖā   Ḏah ḏis lai ih man ḏa▫urā▫i▫o kavan karam kar bāḏẖā ||1||


(Inah-i) this human (kamaano) performs (kichh-u) some rituals (anjaanat) without understanding, but does not (saadhaa) performed meaningful (Jap) remembrance of Divine commands and (tap) austerities, i.e. without caring for discomfort – under all circumstances.

S/he (dauraaio = causes to run) takes (ih-u) this (man-u) mind (dah = ten, dis-i = in directions) all over; kindly guide by (kavan) what (karam = deeds) methods it


ਮਨ ਤਨ ਧਨ ਭੂਮਿ ਕਾ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਹਉ ਇਸ ਕਾ ਇਹੁ ਮੇਰਾ ॥   ਭਰਮ ਮੋਹ ਕਛੁ ਸੂਝਸਿ ਨਾਹੀ ਇਹ ਪੈਖਰ ਪਏ ਪੈਰਾ ॥੨॥

Man ṯan ḏẖan bẖūm kā ṯẖākur ha▫o is kā ih merā   Bẖaram moh kacẖẖ sūjẖas nāhī ih paikẖar pa▫e pairā ||2||


The Creator is the (thaakur) Master/provider of (man) mind, (tan) body, (dhan-i) wealth (bhoom-i) land, but one thinks (hau) I am the master of (is) this and (ih-u) this (meyra) is mine.

In (bharam) delusion caused by (moh) attachment to theses on does not (soojhas-i) realize (kachh-u) anything and remains attached; (ih-u) this becomes (paikhar-i) fetters (paira) on the feet, i.e. does walk/act in obedience to the Creator. 2.



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ਤਬ ਇਹੁ ਕਹਾ ਕਮਾਵਨ ਪਰਿਆ ਜਬ ਇਹੁ ਕਛੂ ਨ ਹੋਤਾ ॥   ਜਬ ਏਕ ਨਿਰੰਜਨ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਆਪਹਿ ਕਰਤਾ ॥੩॥

Ŧab ih kahā kamāvan pari▫ā jab ih kacẖẖū na hoṯā   Jab ek niranjan nirankār parabẖ sabẖ kicẖẖ āpėh karṯā ||3||


(Jab) when (ih-u) this creature (hota) was (kachhoo na = nothing) not yet born, (tab) then (kahaa) how could s/he (pariaa) engage in (kamaavan) earning these things, i.e. s/he was born with human body/intellect given by the Creator.

S/he takes pride in having these (jab) when (eyk) the One (niranjan = unstained) pristine (nirankaar) Formless (prabh) Almighty (karta) does (sabh-u kichh-u) everything (aapah-i) IT-self alone. 3.


ਅਪਨੇ ਕਰਤਬ ਆਪੇ ਜਾਨੈ ਜਿਨਿ ਇਹੁ ਰਚਨੁ ਰਚਾਇਆ ॥   ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਕਰਣਹਾਰੁ ਹੈ ਆਪੇ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਭਰਮੁ ਚੁਕਾਇਆ ॥੪॥੫॥੧੬੩॥

Apne karṯab āpe jānai jin ih racẖan racẖā▫i▫ā   Kaho Nānak karanhār hai āpe saṯgur bẖaram cẖukā▫i▫ā ||4||5||163||


The Creator, (jin-i) who (rachaaiaa) created this (rachan-u) existence/human body (aapey = self) alone (jaanai) knows (apney = own) Divine (kartab) feats, i.e. the Creator alone does all this.

(Satigur-i) the true guru (chukaaiaa) removed (bharam-u) delusion that I am the doer; I realize that (karanhaar-u) the Creator (aapey) IT-self is (karanhaar-u) doer, says fifth Nanak. 4. 5. 163.



