Big Bang and Evolution are Speculation – Intelligent Design is Scientific

Big Bang and Evolution are Speculation – Intelligent Design is Scientific


The scientific world is a paradox. Most of the scientists believe that what we can learn from nature is never complete and diligent research must continue.  They are making this world a better place. They have made life comfortable and convenient; they work in the field of health resulting in better health and have increased life expectancy. Scientists have worked in the field of agriculture and horticulture for good of humanity and so on. They have found purpose in the system created by the Creator, feel part of it and play their role.


All religions also teach that the Creator and the universe can never be fully known. This shows compatibility of science with the Creator.


However, there is a set of theoretical scientists, who see no purpose in the universe, or of life. Their focus is on denial of the Creator to show importance of science. The universe displays perfect order in functioning. This can happen only if the system has been carefully designed which is evident from the fact that various natural phenomena can be accurately predicted. But, theoretical scientists oppose the expression ‘Intelligent Design’ saying it means there is a Creator and it legitimizes religion, which they are not prepared to accept.


What is science? Science is observation of natural phenomena, seeing their repetitive nature, establishing patterns and deducing laws of nature from them. The scientists learnt these laws from orderly functioning of the universe and call them laws of science. They did not make them; they refer to them all the time but as Stephen Hawking said You can say God made the laws of nature, but that does not prove that God exists. This is amusing.


The issue boils down to conflict between religion and science or more accurately denial of the Creator. The conflict arose and is predominant in the west, where Christianity is the main religion, with the bible as their scripture. Liberties that Christians have taken with the bible is unfortunate. People choose what to follow. Different denominations have their own bibles. The Old Testament shows God doing everything, but God has been restricted to heaven in the New Testament, and Jesus does everything including showing miracles. Jesus himself said he came to uphold law of the Torah, which prescribes obedience to God, but Paul rejected this and said Jesus had brought grace and obedience to the law was not necessary. Paul put aside all logic when he said Jesus had died for all sins of humanity and those having faith in Jesus would be saved. So, Pauline Christianity made God and rules of personal conduct irrelevant. This explains turmoil in the world including denial of the Creator.


The book of Genesis in the Old Testament describes God creating the world in stages over six days. It uses expressions like “God said let there be light, and there was light”. This is pure dogma and scientists call religion unscientific.


Another factor is lack of understanding of purpose of the universe or life from the bible. God tells the humans “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”. Genesis 1:28, KJV.


The Old Testament contains the ten commands establishing God’s supremacy and requiring the humans to conform to them. But the New Testament negates that as described above.


Similary, theoretical scientists cannot see any purpose in the universe and lives of the species. Believers in Big Bang do not recognize that the Creator has purpose in creating the universe and designed every component of the universe to serve that purpose.


Based on their concept of expansion of the universe as seen by movement of galaxies away from the point of observation, the scientists have calculated life of the universe at 13.8 billion years based on observed velocity of the galaxies. However, they have also observed that galaxies farther away from the observer are moving faster. So, the premise of calculation of age of the universe fails.


As mentioned above, galaxies are assumed to be moving away from the point of explosion indicating expansion of the universe. This forms the basis of Big Bang theory. However, some galaxies have been found moving towards our galaxy. This is the opposite of expansion. The scientists are calling this behavior of the universe weird. Obviously, the universe is not what they have assumed all along.


Is the Big Bang theory imploding? Yes, but it is not going to be accepted easily.


There is another fruitless activity. Theoretical scientists have formed a Standard Model of particle physics. In science, models are always based on empirical data and tested to confirm to them. They are then used for application and forecasting as in the case of meteorology, which predicts weather. However, in this case there is no data to support. It is all speculation and a 27 km long Large Hadron Collider (LHC) established at CERN Geneva, Switzerland to study particle behavior at a cost of nearly five billion dollars has hardly found anything worthwhile. Its only significant achievement has been to find Higgs Boson, also called the God Particle, in 2012, which also brought noble prize for two. Someone asked a question “When are you going to find something”? There is no answer to this. This is what speculation does.


Some scientists are saying Higgs Boson will destroy the universe. Well, scientists have come and gone but the universe is intact.


It is by the system of gravity created by the Creator in the earth like in all cosmic bodies that Isaac Newton saw the apple fall from the tree and deduced the law of gravity. Science did not make the apple fall or create the system of gravity. Theoretical scientists are trying, but are unable to bring in gravity in the particles at LHC. They say Higgs Boson gives mass to the particles and that should provide gravity. However, they are unable to make any progress. They do not realize that such systems cannot be created in a laboratory. They will first have to create something with mass like the earth with its minerals, magnetism and then expect to find gravity. But all their concepts and activities are based on speculation, because they must deny the Creator. Effort to replicate what the Creator does will always end in frustration.


Stephen Hawking dreamed of the black hole as a point of minutest dimension at which matter, energy and time are condensed. It is this where the explosion is supposed to have occurred creating matter, energy and time, marking origin of the universe. There is no data to support it and no means to test it. Hence it falls in the realm of speculation. Latest observations have indicated numerous black holes. These raise the question that if the observed black holes are really as conceived by Hawking, then explosions should be occurring in those and more universes created. It is all speculation. Black holes are also being talked of as dark matter. This area seems to be the focus of further research.


There is another interesting aspect. Theoretical scientists say the universe came into being according to laws of science. It is based on the assumption that since the universe functions according to laws of nature, it came into being according to these laws. In fact all their theories are based on this, which is fundamentally wrong. The universe has been designed to function by the laws, not created according to them. Let us take an analogy. A satellite goes into space after overcoming gravity of the earth and rockets are designed to give the power for that. The earth is a satellite of the sun but there were no rockets to launch it. So, not the laws of science but the Creator’s design and power created the sun and the earth and put the latter in orbit. No law of science can do this.


This is the ACID TEST. The scientists try to impress people with scientific terms and calculations. They say galaxies started moving because of the explosion envisaged in the Big Bang theory but never say where the galaxies came from. Nearer home, the solar system is based on the sun, earth and the moon in their planned orbits. No law of science can explain design of orbits or how these bodies were put in orbits. It is relevant that this aspect is never even touched by the so-called scientific theories.


Now about Darwin’s theory of evolution.


Charles Darwin, a self-avowed atheist accompanied the captain of HMS Beagle on a five year voyage from 27 December 1831 to 2 October 1836. In this, he watched changes in species in different geographic and climatic conditions. He formed the view that changes in species reflected evolution from a single source and published his famous book On origin of species by means of natural selection.


His view of a single ancestor shows his inability to see purpose in life, because can see that every species plays a specific role in our environment and their bodies have been designed for their respective roles. This can be seen from the small earthworm to the big elephant, the fish and the falcon. Here is another ACID TEST. If all species came from a single ancestor, then there should be a single method of birth. However, creatures are born in four different ways – from the womb like humans, from the egg like the birds, from the soil like the earthworms and in perspiration like lice. Hence, Darwin’s theory fails this simple test.



The scientists cannot quote a single law of science to prove legitimacy of Big Bang when nothing existed, hence is all speculation and violates many laws of science. Similarly, Darwin talks of natural selection, which can happen only to the existing species not as origin of life. His attempt to call it origin of species is fallacious.


The universe has purpose and has been designed to serve that.


Here is the proof. The universe enables the creatures to perform their roles allotted by the Creator. For this, IT has created the earth and its atmosphere for life to exist. IT has designed the sun, earth and the moon and their orbits to make days, nights, seasons and lunar cycles and thus programmed life activities. This is scientific.


The source of this information given above is the Sikh scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which is confluence of spiritual, temporal and scientific aspects of the all existence taken as a composite system. I have put across information on in outline and hope to bring out a book in near future to describe the universe, ecology and life as a self-contained system scientifically based on the scripture. The scripture gives purpose of universe, design of the universe to serve that purpose, continuous maintenance of the system, scientific pre-creation sequence of preparation, and one-step creation of the universe. It describes the Creator’s powers and futility of efforts like those to prove the Big Bang




Posted On
Sep 06, 2022
Posted By
Dr H S Puri

Please donot question the well established scientific theories with your philosophical thoughts.

Posted On
Sep 06, 2022
Posted By
Rawel Singh

Dr Puri, no scientist has shown validation of these theories. Kindly enlighten if you know.

Posted On
Sep 08, 2022
Posted By

the meaning of one’s life tremendously increases with a higher reference. and -as far as my little knowledge reaches- Sikh Dharma offers insights into universal principles, values & virtues which are close to an ethical understanding of many philosophers.
there is no such thing as a duality of religion vs. science: religion is about belief, science is about evidence. and there would be no scientific research without belief in finding evidence, and no Dharma without the science of its discipline creating evidence of change.
yet it feels to me a bit too easy to say “tell us if you know” -it’s quite unlikely that one can respond with the expertise of a scientist.
i’d recommend a book though: until the end of time by brian greene.
he explains in an understandable way the principle of entropy behind (d)evolution.

Posted On
Feb 20, 2023
Posted By
Learner SINgh

Thank you for engaging in this discussion. Human use cases are based on limited understanding of nature. Needs drive them and so do stumbling blocks. The use cases that get proved with evidence is what I understand as Science within the scope of the us case. As the scope changes so do the results of the science. This should not deter people’s faith in nature. Science does help uncover (aka discover) exciting things for humankind.

When Newtown discovered his findings, widely accepted and taught but fails in Space. Perhaps, he did have a use case but had no means to uncover the evidence, and hence wasn’t documented. So Science is a continuity of received evidence on the laws of nature. And can change. The laws are permanent, as per Sri Guru Granth Saheb, the eternal Guru of the Sikhs.

My question to you on the Big Bang Theory – Jap Ji Saheb does relate to the creation of the world with One Word (Bang) and the world was created. I understand Science based on how new planets are created (explosions,. etc), says the same. So is there any confusion on this ?

